Ever feel you are not happy with your smile? Do you know there are few ways to help you straighten your teeth? As children 6-11 years old, some due to habits such as thumb or dummy sucking may prevent upper jaw (maxilla) from proper development. We offer removable appliances that can help correct the problem and help your children develop a better smile. As a teen and older adults, we offer fixed braces or cosmetic clear aligners to help you get the smile you’re longing for.

Traditional Braces

The most common fixed treatment option, braces consist of brackets and an arch wire. Brackets are bonded to the front of the tooth and used as anchors for the wires and elastics. Arch wires are placed through the brackets and small elastic bands secure the arch wire in the bracket. Tightening the arch wire puts tension on the teeth, gradually moving them into the correct position. Braces are adjusted every 4-6 weeks to bring about the desired results, which may be achieved in 1-3 years.

Today’s braces are smaller, lighter and show far less metal than in the past. They come in bright colours for kids, and clear styles preferred by many adults. Once braces are removed, a retainer is usually worn on the upper and lower jaws for retention


Invisalign is a set of custom-made clear plastic aligners, which are designed to move your teeth into the correct position. Every week you change to a new set of aligner trays, repeating this until your teeth are in the correct position. Invisalign is intended to deliver the same benefits as traditional braces but the aligner trays are less noticeable, offering an aesthetic advantage. The aligners are removed for eating, brushing and flossing and can achieve results as good as fixed braces in many cases.