This is a fixed option to restore gaps left by missing teeth, badly damaged teeth or heavily filled teeth. A crown is basically a manufactured tooth which is cemented onto your own natural tooth. It is an option for when your existing tooth is damaged or weakened by previous large fillings. The said tooth is usually filed down and reshaped to create the space we need for the crown. Once a dental laboratory has fabricated the crown, we will cement it onto your tooth. Crowns are also used in cases where root canal treatment has been completed, as this will ensure that the root filling has a good seal, minimizing the risk of a leaking restoration compromising the root canal work previously done.

Crowns can be made with many different materials. . Porcelain or ceramic crowns can be matched to the colour of your natural teeth. Other materials include gold and metal alloys. These alloys are generally stronger than porcelain and may be recommended for back teeth. Porcelain fused to metal is often used because it is both a strong material and attractive in its appearance. During consultation, we will go through the options available so you can make a decision that best suit your needs.

A bridge is basically a prosthesis that consists of false teeth rigidly abutted between crowns. The teeth on either side of the gap are prepared for crowns and once the prosthesis is ready, we will cement it on. Please come in and have a chat with us and we can help you with any questions you have in regards to this.